Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall Colours (1 of 2)

Late fall colours taken around Port Credit:



Besides obviously wanting to capture colour, other things attract my attention to them. I am drawn to the forms in the composition which appear as shapes or implied lines to me.
I took the last photo on an overcast day unsuccessfully and immediately wanted to retake it on the very conditions above. The shape of the tree lends to the shape of the ground - they both slightly rise in the same spot. The lake reflection suitably matches the sky and - you can only see this in the larger version (click!) - a small tree below the horizon to the right is teeming with fall yellows.
The first photo is around a favourite spot (in any light). I foremost wanted to capture the stark shadow, but needed to put more thought into making the photo about more than that shadow. I pointed the camera towards the setting sun in attempt to compose something and saw the lens flare (usually bad) creeping in. This time it didn't overly blow out the exposure of the photo and its placement lent to the diagonal line of the shadow - so I shot it!
Quick things to say about the second: 1) The tree stumps appear as dark silhouettes emerging from the lake behind them 2) the splash of yellow foliage in the centre is a nice, but not detracting focal point 3) the golden light seems to illuminate everything in just the right way to compliment the yellows 4) the line of the path ties the elements of the picture together and makes this rather mundane scene on any other day look special.
Quick things to say about the third: 1) The shape consists of the bushiness of the foliage, the parallel upright tree stumps, and the contrasting diagonal lines of the wooden planks below.

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