Friday, October 3, 2008

Nuit Blanche: A Teaser

It started as an all-night cultural festival from sunset to sunrise around the world. Toronto hosted its first in 2006 and followed-up with a so-so nothing-too-thrilling display in 2007 though with a larger turnout. It is expected that one million people will attend this year versus 800,000 in 2007. There are themed areas like TechnoArt (media), Spooky stuff, Interactivity, and Art that transforms the city on a grand scale (lots of fog and strobes can do that :P).

I went last year with a sort of random group, only one person I knew, from Ryerson U. Had some photos lined-up in one of the slide projectors showing on a tarp at the architecture building. It wasn't so well planned! We started at that Ryerson building and just wandered around seemingly avoiding all the displays that were happening. We eventually found OCAD and they were expectedly putting on an awesome show on the inside and out. Saw a few more things, possibly the most odd being the legion of toilets below and inside the Eaton's Centre beside Sears the floor was littered with balloons with some volunteers making weiners out of them o_o

After meeting Annie Wednesday I must not have been a total creeper because we're doing a wayyy better planned Nuit Blanche Art Thing tour this Saturday. So with that out of the way, Nuit Blanche will be much more fun :)

Till then ;)

1 comment:

Espère Reed said...

Very noice. ;D
Excited!!! Eeps! :)