Friday, October 31, 2008


The playground at Memorial Park was finally abandoned due to the cold weather and I'd always liked the designs on the 'safe' matting underneath the swings. I noticed afterwards I'd caught a leaf doing cartwheels in the wind!
The original colour photo certainly didn't put any emphasis on anything, so I modified it in black & white with some heavy handed use of the colour sliders in grayscale. The leaves took on a pastel appearance with some shading still visible to define them and a slight black halo to make them 'pop' from the rest of the photo.
The second photo is similar processing to have the leaves 'pop', but with a definite focus on the fishes swimming towards the frame's edge (or lawn).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Organization Of The Many

Another aspect of photography I'd love to improve on is seeing organization in the many. A lot of my flickr friends are good at this. I have a few examples, but literally just a few. When executed well the photo has a noticeable focal point, but one which does not overwhelm the rest of the frame - similar shapes or patterns still emerge. Some personal favourtes:

Black-Eyed Susans




It's extremely satisfying to my eye when you can show the multiples - the variation within - while still maintaining balance in the composition. Plants commonly grow amongst the same vegetation - in showing the surroundings this way, it gives a good depiction of the whole rather than an isolated part.

More foliage shots to come as I can find them...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Port Credit Village Times Contest

Not the winner and I do love the winning photo by the way. It feels great to be among some excellent pictures.

The photo:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I attempted some high contrast black & white processing on my photos recently. I wanted to do something more abstract and forget the whole preserving tonality thing for a little while. By no means is black & white any representation of reality.


Maybe this is a compass?
The high contrast appears to invert the darks and lights in an unusual way. We can see the blocked sunlight casts the shadow, but the result of it overwhelms almost two thirds of the frame suggesting it is the source of light. It mirrors the long shadows of late evening.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

No Weather Too Dark

Thursday was allegedly the best kind of weather for photography - overcast. Overcast light softly illuminates everything making it easier for exposure choices, dynamic range handling, and sometimes lends to more evocative black and white photos - with lesser contrast you can expose for more blacks and greys rather than lights.
By the time I set out that day it was 5:30P and dark overcast by then. I took the same route below, took my mind off the slow shutter speeds and tried for some eerie motion instead.

(1/4 second)

(0.9 second)

The only 'trick' I've read to producing cool photography implying movement is to make fluid motions with the camera. Say you're walking up a driveway - don't move the camera away from your body, keep it steady in one place and let your legs do the moving for it. One other thing to consider is how long your shutter speed will be. Too long and your photo may become washed out and overexposed; too short and that may not afford you enough time to record motion.
After that it was definitely too dark for most photography, I tried firing my flash to give some artificial highlights. What I understand is a typical flash will force your camera to use a fast shutter speed and Slow Syncro - which I used that evening - considers exposure for the whole scene while giving the subject in focus the 'fill' flash to even out illumination.


Here is what's looking to be more and more like it will hold a coffin, but it's nowhere near the other tombstones.

And my favourite, not setup in any way, a chestnut lying on a nearby bench. The out of focus are tombstones which nobody but me can tell unfortunately. What stood out for me is the softness of the light and how the chestnut stops your eye from following the diagonal line of the wood. There are enough blacks to balance it out in my opinion, though it could use the slightest bit more depth of field.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Photo Walk

Most of the time I have no set destination, so for those days here is one route I may take. The area between High St East and Park St East on Stavebank Road is a very serene neighbourhood block of Port Credit and in my short time taking pictures I still had not documented it. So here's a couple Fall pictures around there and I'll follow-up later with the cenotaph in it:

Facing North                                    Facing North-East

After that I head across the street to the cemetery grounds where there are lots of macro opportunities and landscape scenes hidden away.


The back of the cemetery grounds lead to memorial park, the credit river, railroad tracks, and where ever else I might branch out.

Creeping Shadow

On the topic of Hallowe'en, I spotted this eerie shadow at the back of the cemetery grounds. No idea what has been going on here - it's just a pit with bricks, tarps, gloves, thatch carpet, a shovel, and chipmunks have made homes in the dug-up earth.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Shooting Through Intuition

This will more often end in disaster, but I find it extremely refreshing to shoot for just a couple minutes, not an entire outing, without looking through the viewfinder. It gives a feeling of added presence because the photo is not so rigidly composed and you gain a surprising perspective when you imagine how the camera would compose it. Set your focal length to something you'll remember, maybe its widest for starters (do not zoom) and see the results you get - I guarantee you will get some pictures you would have never seen on your own.

Southside Shuffle 2008

Sunday - Bloor West Village

Cemetery Ledge

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Fog

No, not the 80s flick o_o
Today was the most surreal photo weather ever. I rose at noon and saw some mist across the lake. It came our way and hung around for a couple hours. The sky was steel blue and the sun shining through the mist lit up the ground like a birthday cake. As much as I should have gone for a shoot, I had to get groceries bah! Instead, I took a couple photos off the balcony which turned out alright.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Themed Photos

One of my objectives in Photography has been to have more coherence or 'theme' when doing shoots. Today I went around the pier and got a trio that I particularly love. Besides being shot in the same area, they all have a unique look to them and the theme 'wake' (rouse or disturb) didn't occur to me until after I got home.

Rudder Wake   

Boat Wake

Gull Wake

Extremely pleased with the results after a rather bland streak.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One More From Nuit Blanche

I was pleasantly surprised with how eerie the few keepers from Nuit Blanche (see below) turned out. It hadn't quite set in until today with how much I liked them. I have one more to add plus a couple oldies I resurrected from when I used to take my camera out at night time.



Second photo was honestly an accident as I meant to keep the camera still. Instead it turned into some Monet art! Third one down I took walking back home. I liked the curvature of the sidewalk so I did a few more exposures in attempt to get something more interesting looking overall. Yes, this is my replacement for actual Hallowe'en ish pictures today!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Start Of Hallowe'en

Ok excluding the baby jack o lantern ;) and Nuit Blanche oddities...

Accidentally squashed the yellow channel by 75% and decided I liked the stark effect it gave the Tombstones.
Last year I took a lot of decoration pictures which I'll do again, but it's fun to look for natural things in the environment which reflect Hallowe'en (eg. leaves which look like bats or scary looking mailboxes).


I am so going to get you back for returning the $5 Annie...*rotates picture* =]

Monday, October 6, 2008


I swear I cannot take my camera into a forest! I bought my camera 15 months ago. Can image quality degrade after that much regular use?
Firstly, forests are usually dense and filled with minute details making it difficult to choose a focus; secondly, the canopy of trees contrasting against the sky cause aberrations (edge discolouration); and third, any harsh lighting can result in buried shadow detail and uneasy contrasty looking pictures.
This obviously leads to me whining about my camera. It's not a BAD camera, I just take it into some situations where I'm asking too much from it: too few megapickles and a small sensor = can't resolve detail and limited dynamic range. So, yes, slightly frustrated with what I have now though in context most modern point & shoot cameras still lack the RAW format and have a tonne of noise starting at ISO 200 while I can still get away without having to denoise. I feel I could make good use of one of those high-end point & shoot cameras that are becoming trendy. The Canon Powershot G10 is one option or the Panasonic LX3 though not too enthused with its 3x zoom, saturated appearing output, and greenish leaning white balance. Canon wasn't my first choice honestly, but they make the most accurate compacts as far as colour rendition goes and that's something I want to worry less about in processing.


Just Off The Path 


Goldenrod is the most pleasing to me overall, but I was surprised no one else agreed! The second I titled "Just Off The Path" from a quote I vaguely remember from this article. The actual quote says 'Slow down, stop and look -- it's right there,'?" Which I love because pictures are everywhere if you slow down to look for them. It's all about the treatment and focus.
When I'm feeling down I lose focus and clarity in what I see and produce lame pictures! It's only temporary...I'll regret whining about the camera I've been inseparable with tomorrow.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


And Ty Ty to Annie for coming to Nuit Blanche. Wouldn't have gone myself! Sorry everything ended up being so spaced out. =/

Mmm black doughnut here to abduct you all


Friday, October 3, 2008

Fall, Fall, Fall

It's the best month of the year and season all at once!


I went to the Square One Farmer's Market today not sure what I was going to buy consumption wise, but I wanted some gourds. I ended up with lots of tiny Jack 'O Lanterns, Poppy Seed Bagels, Cider, and homemade Pepperettes.
Some woman on the bus ride home decided to sit right next to me on a HALF EMPTY BUS @$!@$#%!! I had all my bags there and I looked at the adjacent seat with just a pen lying on it. I did my best to wish her away with my aura because she wouldn't jump out the window. Fortunately she got off within 3 stops. How lazy!

P.S. Buttercup Squash tastes like concrete and soot. Do not try.

Sea Green Vitamins

They taste awful in water and turn my OJ into sugar water :(

Nuit Blanche: A Teaser

It started as an all-night cultural festival from sunset to sunrise around the world. Toronto hosted its first in 2006 and followed-up with a so-so nothing-too-thrilling display in 2007 though with a larger turnout. It is expected that one million people will attend this year versus 800,000 in 2007. There are themed areas like TechnoArt (media), Spooky stuff, Interactivity, and Art that transforms the city on a grand scale (lots of fog and strobes can do that :P).

I went last year with a sort of random group, only one person I knew, from Ryerson U. Had some photos lined-up in one of the slide projectors showing on a tarp at the architecture building. It wasn't so well planned! We started at that Ryerson building and just wandered around seemingly avoiding all the displays that were happening. We eventually found OCAD and they were expectedly putting on an awesome show on the inside and out. Saw a few more things, possibly the most odd being the legion of toilets below and inside the Eaton's Centre beside Sears the floor was littered with balloons with some volunteers making weiners out of them o_o

After meeting Annie Wednesday I must not have been a total creeper because we're doing a wayyy better planned Nuit Blanche Art Thing tour this Saturday. So with that out of the way, Nuit Blanche will be much more fun :)

Till then ;)