Thursday, December 11, 2008

VAM Juried Show

One night I was looking for other facilities similar to the Living Arts Centre. I came across Visual Arts Mississauga who are located inside Riverwood Garden Park in...duh...Mississauga. Lucky for me they were having their first Juried Photographic Show (this means something) and the deadline hadn't passed. To make a long story short, I initially entered two black & whites photos on my form, but they didn't turn out equally as stunning in print for reasons like 1) the one photo was too flawed for a print 2) contrast issues with both. Fortunately I'd been on an abstract bent in November and had one especially suitable photo to mate with the 'New Media' theme. This time I entered one colour photo. Costs to have a photo framed start at $100 or more if you're doing custom work plus the printing which isn't so bad because I set mine up using a 'bulk' option (cheaper).

The day I dropped it off I saw a lot of intimidating entries coming through the door. The next morning would have been "pick-up day" meaning epic failure to those who prepared their framed work already LOL. Yes, I am only laughing because I did get accepted and quite proud of it! 'Juried' means a panel selects which photos are in the exhibition. It gives you a little more credibility and is required for Canada Grants if I should apply. I was surprised at two things: 1) The couple of photos I did manage to see that came through the door WERE NOT in the show 2) How impressive the body of work at the show was. These judges were NOT giving away bonus points for youth or 'trying'...actually I could have been the youngest person there woo! After browsing around a little the price seemed to be comparable with the other photos - about $200-400. So great success this time around with the printing (learned a lot about matching media and the levels in your photo are critical if they're being printed) and framing I had time to get custom work done. I only hope now I can reimburse myself with a sale ;)



The rest can be seen at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey. how did this go? were you able to sell it?